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Carefully summed up the analysis of the market, tackling difficulties, in order to fully complete the 2017 task targets and hard work!

Time:2017-08-29 Views:46648 Share to:

August  17, 2017 Inner Mongolia Tianyu Scenic Industries Group Participating  companies in the first half of 2017 operating results and the second  half of the market seminar in the Russian Vladivostok Amur Bay Hotel  held successfully.The  meeting was chaired by Chen Pu, Chairman of the Group. The leaders of  the Group and the Finance Manager reported the operation and financial  accounts of the Company in the first half of the year.

The  first half of the company in the macroeconomic situation and the  industry situation is extremely difficult circumstances, basically in  accordance with the beginning of the year plan to complete the first  half of the mission objectives.Through  the summary of the first half, all the participants on the second half  of the market for a serious and objective analysis of the second half of  the market is not optimistic, there are many unfavorable factors, but  there are favorable factors, opportunities are many, the more difficult  the moreTo  stimulate the enthusiasm of the full, as long as the mobilization of  full joint efforts to seize the opportunity, the annual task indicators  will be able to successfully completed.Chairman  Chen Pu at the meeting has repeatedly stressed that in difficult years,  the participating companies must learn Baotuan heating, strengthen  communication, exchange of information, mutual cooperation, the  formation of joint efforts, we will be able to successfully through the  difficult period, in the industryWithin a place.

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  • ADD:Inner Mongolia Hohhot Ruyi Development Zone Tengfei Road green space take off the building Block F 11

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